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EEGFocus 3.0

All-in-one software for fast review and advanced EEG analysis

EEGFocus combines digital EEG review with advanced analysis features such as 3D whole head mapping, brain source montages and images, spike pattern search and averaging, spectral analysis, DSA trend analysis, on-line correction of eye and EKG artifacts etc.

Digital EEG Review

EEGFocus provides a user-friendly interface for immediate analysis of abnormal patterns during review, e.g. spikes or rhythmic EEG activities. Similar patterns can be searched for in the whole EEG and averaged, for example, to analyze a spike or seizure onset.

  • Ergonomic buttons and key functions for fast manual or automatic paging. Overlapped paging to detect EEG abnormalities at page boundaries. Easy tool to measure peaks and frequencies
  • Video synchronized paging, optionally with whole head mapping
  • Fast navigation using the event bar or the DSA trend display with separation of the hemispheres (DSA = density spectral arrays)
  • Advanced digital filters including zero-phase shift, band and notch filters

For an introduction to advanced digital EEG review and brain source montages we recommend the following lectures: BESA Source Analysis in Epilepsy (5.9 MB)

For recommendations on the placement of EEG electrodes, please visit our FAQ Section.


All-in-one software for fast review and advanced EEG analysis

3D whole head mapping

Whole head maps provide a complete overview and a better interpretation of the topography of EEG abnormalities. Just click on a detected pattern to obtain 3D whole head maps. Click on a particular view to obtain a series of maps showing the evolution over time.

  • Six standard head views from different perspectives in addition to the conventional top views
  • Standard time series of 15 maps or user-defined time series
  • Whole head view with optimized color display and equipotential lines to facilitate identification of the generating brain region
  • Maps can be rotated freely in 3D or set to standard views by fast rotation buttons
  • Available map types are: Voltage, current source density (CSD / Laplacian), FFT spectral amplitude, power, or phase

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